Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Cricket-New Zealand !

The first time I had seen this sport, I did not know what it was. I saw it first on television in New Zealand. I had been to New Zealand for two months when I was six teen years old. I went there in summer and I saw this sport. It was similar to baseball but cricket bat was a little bit bigger and flatter than baseball bat.
There were eleven players each cricket team. I asked my family host about it. She told me that this sport was very exciting and fun. Cricketers had to hit the ball as far as possible. So they could run and got a point. On the other hand, the pitcher must throw the ball to bounce the ground before going to the batsman. The professional cricketers could control the ball to the way that they want. However, I think batsmen are still quite easy to hit the ball because the cricket bat is big enough to hit the ball not too difficult. Further more, the cricketers must be strong and healthy. The most important thing is they must concentrate on the game and stay focus on the ball all the time.

In my opinion, cricket is one of the most popular sport in New Zealand. There are many people especially Kiwis interest in cricket. I wish I will have an opportunity to try it once.

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