Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dengue !!!

Dengue Fever

One of the most famous fevers in Thailand is the "Dengue fever." It can be transmitted from a person to person by a bite of the Aedes aegypt. I think the Dengue fever is very dangerous since there are so many mosquitoes in Thailand.

Mostly when the person get the virus for the first time, they will get a high fever but when they get the virus for the second time but another species, you will get the Dengue fever. To protect yourself from getting it, you have to prevent yourself from being bit by mosquitoes.

If your house located nearly a pool or canal, it quite dangerous to recieve this virus.Why ? because the mosquitoes like to lie an eggs in static fresh water. Many many people died because of this fever every years. When I see mosquitoes ,

I never let them survive anymore.

Follow this website if you want more informations about Dengue Fever.

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