Wednesday, April 28, 2010


The first time I saw these vehicles "Velomobiles". They were very strange and interesting. So I had to find informations about them. I wanted to know many thing about these amazing shape vehicles. Now I'm looking at some informations on the internet.

A velomobile is fully enclosed recumbent. That means it can be used in all weather. Duch is the
first nation produced a velomobile since 1990's and is still available nowadays. There are two
flavors of modern velomobiles are availble today. If you interested in these machines,Netherlands is the first place you should go to visit. Why ? because the epicenter of velomobile activities is in Netherlands.

Although, I like this vehicle and want to get one but it is too expensive for me. Concluding it is inappropriate for road in Thailand.

More about Velomobiles on this web site.

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