Fanfin, also known as seadevil, is a deep-sea fish that is in family of anglerfishes. It looks like a monster in the sea. I think its face is extreamly scary and ugly. Male fanfins are usually smaller than female fanfins. Male fanfins are very bad, they have a reason that why they have to be smaller. When male fanfins meet females, they will cling and use their mouth to suck female's blood for food. It's very very terrible. The reason thay why it names fanfin is very easy to guess. It has fins that are similar to a fan. Normally, animals of anglerfishes should have a little light on their head for luring foods. However, fanfin doesn't have something like that because it doesn't have to lure any foods. It just waits for an ill-fortuned female fanfin comes, then go to cling and suck her blood to be full.
However, I dream to pet this monster fish. I think it looks cool if I can pet it. But I have to be careful, it can cut my fingers or suck my blood for its foods. Finally, three special things of seadevil are its place, its face and the last thing that is very special is it suck female's blood for foods.
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