Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Diabetes is a person who has too much sugar in blood. And his/her body can not produce enough insulin. A symptom of Diabetes is very bad. You will thirsty all the day because your body lack of water. You will be weakness and tired. Then your weight will let down. Your eyes can see not clearly. Feeling numb along arms and legs is one symptom. The last symptom is to vomit often.

If you are a Diabetes, you can not eat too much sugar because you will has high blood sugar. So another disease will come to you is high blood pressure. I met someone who is a Diabetes, I saw him eating a lot of sugar at a noodle store. He put about 7 teaspoons of sugar into his noodles. I was very frightened.

Insulin is very important for your body. A person who doesn't have enough insulin must face to a very big problem. Your body can not use sugar to decay carbohydrate. You will have much sugar in your blood that is absolutely not good for your body. Exercise can help you !!!!

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