Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Hercules, the son of Zeus , is the most powerful man in Greek. He is a son of god but he is not a real god. Because his mother, Alcmene , is a normal woman. So he is a hybrid between God and human. However, he has an extreamly strength. He is a very good gentleman. He always saves people life from dangerous monster. There is a cartoon "Hercules" I have watched. It's very fun and exciting. I knew that he is a very strong person. He fell in love with Deianeira and they they were married. At the end of the story, Zeus offered his son to be a God. However, he denied to be a God. He wanted to live with his love.

I think he is a very honesty and loyal. He is very strong but he doesn't use that adventage to other people. He use that to help everybody from monsters. He has two friends. Pegasus and Field are his friends. They always help each other to solve every problem. Field teaches him to fight and use his power in the true way. And Pegasus goes with him everywhere. He is very famous and he is the legend of Greek.

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