Sunday, August 29, 2010

Politics2 : New Zealand should be republic

New Zealand is now having a conflict over politic about changing of their current status as a constitutional monarchy to republic. Lots of people are now fighting over this. They want to be independent. They like the ideas of republicanism because republic is where power comes from the people. The numbers of people who support a republic start to grow. They realize that their government system must change so that they will be able to elect their own head of state. Some of New Zealanders say maybe they should wait until the death of the Queen to make their country become republic.

In my opinion, there are both advantages and disadvantages about becoming a republic. A republic will bring the head of state home and signal New Zealand’s maturity to the world. Moreover, they have been using the old laws for decades. New laws should help improving their country in term of making things better. In contrast, changing New Zealand to a republic might lead the country to a war. New Zealand is not the only one who is facing this kind of issues. Canada, Australia, and Great Britain are also facing the same problem.

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Politics 1 : Alcohol law

The Minister of Justice, Simon Power is excepted to announce changes in an alcohol law which could answer an outcry from the public. By giving greater power to local councils to make decisions over alcohol. So, the council will have the power to control the number of liquor licenses, more power to strip licenses from the liquor retailer. This could make the liquor retailers will face a tougher time to get licenses. Also, they will be able to change the opening hours of bars, pubs and restaurants from a widespread call from the public to restrict the sale of alcohol. They would endorse any provision to provide more ability to determine the number and locations of liquor outlets. Because there are a lot liquor outlets more than corner dairies in some areas.

In my opinion, it was great to see this news that New Zealand has some changes over the alcohol law. It's good to divide power to the local councils to make it easy to control things in the communities. Because, they are close, understand the problems and see what's going on the communites then they can find the solution quickly. Also, the alcohol will not make any good for people. In many times, we saw from the news that drunk people died from accident. Finally, I think it is the best solution to restrict the sale of alcohol because we can't stop people from drinking and alcohol. But, at least we can reduce the number of people who drinks and alcohol.

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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Business 2 : New Zealand business lacks capital to make a good company

New Zealand has invested too much in being inventive, but it is not enough in taking creative ideas to global markets. the New Zealand institutes in a new report try to awke people to focus on overcoming the troubles by creating high value global businesses. New Zealand firms and companies have been weak. the government tries to lift innovation effectiveness have focused mainly on inventiveness, not internationalisation. It is very important to overcome any obstacles. The Institute says one of the major issues has been under-resourcing, with programmes that had potential being wound up because they were spread too thinly to succeed. The Institute also suggests that economic liberalisation has created a mindset that relies too heavily on market forces to provide answers, and "a reluctance to intervene or to conflict the playing field'," as other more successful exporting countries have done.

In my opinion, I think this news sounds not good for New Zealander, especially in bunsinesses. Many companies in New Zealand are going to meet a problem. I agree with the writer, I think they should take creative ideas to the global markets. Finally, the government tried to lift new effectiveness and focused mainly on inventiveness. That was a good idea. I want to be a businessman in the future, so I have to work hard and try to find informations about business news around the world. If it posible, I would like to do my business in my country. I will help my country to have a good firm that will be known around the world.

Business 1 : Land of milk and honey

research of supermarket prices in four countries, it shows their standard living. weekend herlard of surveying compared price list. Founded that New Zealand pay more than Britain, America, and Australia for basic supermarket. And Information from Statistics New Zealand and the OECD shows that a $100 basket of typical goods and services costs. the show compared with price of goods in four countries. Some prices could have been affected by specials and differences between brands. Furthermore, the studying economist Shamubeel Eaqub said many items did cost more in New Zealand, but not all prices were high. for instance, the payment of going to restaurant or movie is cheaper than other countries. these stuffs make us know to assess their standard living in their countries.

land of expensive milk and honey, this topic described about comparison of price in four countries. in my opinion, this research make people know their payment to other countries and they can use that compare grocery prices with other countries. this research, there are benefit too much for basic of living. such as you can use for planing costs or compare price list form another bands for saving money. so if you understand and apply the studying, they will help to spend life easier.

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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Environment 2 : New Zealand's marine area

New Zealand is a very nice country. There are beautiful sea, place, and good natural. There are many species of animals in New Zealand. New Zealand has the sixth largest marine environment in the world. About 4.4 million square kilometers are managed and looked after by them. New Zealanders love their sea. They use their marine area for many purposes such as transportation, tourism, and fisheries. However, they do not destroy the environment. Everybody goes along to save their environment. I went to New Zealand 3 years ago, the weather is so good. I really like the fresh air at there. I went to Karawaru beach and I found a strange duck that is very beautiful. I think Kiwis love and protect their natural very well. Kiwis are also friendly and kind. I felt very safe while I was staying in New Zealand.

In my opinion, I think New Zealand has a very good natural and environment. If it possible, I think we are in Thailand, so we should conserve and save our country as New Zealand. Then, we will live in beautiful country which has a plentiful and perfect environment. Finally, I will try to save my country by taking care the environment.

Environment 1 : Eleven whales are going to die !

New Zealand has a great environment. However, there are some problems about a sea in New Zealand so EDS try to help the minister of New Zealand to fix the problems. "We are also pleased to hear that the Minister, Hon Kate Wilkinson, is not going to be rushed into making her decision on the Board's recommendations. This is too important an issue for New Zealand", They said. EDS supports and suggests a method of developing the coast. There was a sad news in New Zealand, eleven whales were going to die because they sick and were taken to the beach. Fortunately, there were seven of them quite strong. Unfortunately, four of them were struggling. Nobody knows what happen. There are many people try to help them, but it is too dangerous for volunteers to rescue all of them. Rescuers prepare boat to bring them to the sea.

In my opinion, I do not know what happen with eleven whales but I think there was something wrong. They need help, and they are also an important animal so we should do everything we can to save all of them.

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Technology 2 : HIT Lab NZ

HIT Lab NZ, The Human Interface Technology Laboratory New Zealand, is a human-computer interface research center hosted at the university of Washington in Christchurch, New Zealand. The lab is also part of the Biomolecular Interaction Center (BIC) and the New Zealand Institute for Language, Brain, and Behaviour (NZILBB). This company is really success. It is very famous in New Zealand especially in Christchurch. One of the HIT Lab NZ's key goals is to expedite economic development within New Zealand by transitioning breakthrough interface technologies to industry. approach to research and education facilitates an entrepreneurial climate, which fosters a wealth of innovative ideas. Currently the lab is working on a range of Projects in collaboration with industry and academia. The lab has state of the art interface technology and world-leading research Facilities.

In my opinion, I think this lab is very good. There are many talent people in this industry. They work about technology includes mobile phone, laptop, and computer for the Kiwis. Finally, HIT Lab NZ is located in Christchurch so if I go to travel in New Zealand and I have chance to go to Christchurch. I will go to visit there once. I would like to see people who work there. In the future, I want to be a businessman so I have to intend to study. I may work about technology in the future because business is very wild. Including technology, food, product, and everything in life.