New Zealand is now having a conflict over politic about changing of their current status as a constitutional monarchy to republic. Lots of people are now fighting over this. They want to be independent. They like the ideas of republicanism because republic is where power comes from the people. The numbers of people who support a republic start to grow. They realize that their government system must change so that they will be able to elect their own head of state. Some of New Zealanders say maybe they should wait until the death of the Queen to make their country become republic.

In my opinion, there are both advantages and disadvantages about becoming a republic. A republic will bring the head of state home and signal New Zealand’s maturity to the world. Moreover, they have been using the old laws for decades. New laws should help improving their country in term of making things better. In contrast, changing New Zealand to a republic might lead the country to a war. New Zealand is not the only one who is facing this kind of issues. Canada, Australia, and Great Britain are also facing the same problem.
more information : http://www.nzherald.co.nz/politics/news/article.cfm?c_id=280&objectid=10669598