Saturday, August 21, 2010

Technology 2 : HIT Lab NZ

HIT Lab NZ, The Human Interface Technology Laboratory New Zealand, is a human-computer interface research center hosted at the university of Washington in Christchurch, New Zealand. The lab is also part of the Biomolecular Interaction Center (BIC) and the New Zealand Institute for Language, Brain, and Behaviour (NZILBB). This company is really success. It is very famous in New Zealand especially in Christchurch. One of the HIT Lab NZ's key goals is to expedite economic development within New Zealand by transitioning breakthrough interface technologies to industry. approach to research and education facilitates an entrepreneurial climate, which fosters a wealth of innovative ideas. Currently the lab is working on a range of Projects in collaboration with industry and academia. The lab has state of the art interface technology and world-leading research Facilities.

In my opinion, I think this lab is very good. There are many talent people in this industry. They work about technology includes mobile phone, laptop, and computer for the Kiwis. Finally, HIT Lab NZ is located in Christchurch so if I go to travel in New Zealand and I have chance to go to Christchurch. I will go to visit there once. I would like to see people who work there. In the future, I want to be a businessman so I have to intend to study. I may work about technology in the future because business is very wild. Including technology, food, product, and everything in life.

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